fuente: mangahelpers, spoiler confirmado
「一つ大切な事を聞く イタチの生き様を知ったお前がイタチの意志を継ぎ木ノ葉を守るという考 えもある・・ ・本当のことを言え・・・お前はどうしたい?」
Let me ask you one thing, you who knew Itachi's way of life it's also possible that you inhereted Itachi's will and you want to preotect konoh... tell me the truth...what do you want to do?
「だが俺にとってはそんな生き様よりもイタチを失った悲しみの方が深い・・・どうしようもなく な」
'...itachi risked his life for the village'
'but deeper than my feeling of respect for his way of life is my feeling of sadness at his loss...much greater.'
「イタチを犠牲にした平和などオレの望むものじゃない 真実を知った今イタチの生き様を継ぎ木 ノ葉を守る事 などオレには到底出来ない」
I'm not interested in the 'peace' he sought, now I kow what he wanted to do I don't care at all about following in his footsteps
「そして上層部の三人は絶対に許せない イタチの命を代償にしてへらへらと平和を満喫している 木ノ葉の連中 も同罪だ」
And I can never forgive those three higher-ups. THose who exchanged itachi's life so they could live the easy life in peace, those in konoha they're all guilty.
weren't you just going to kill the higher-ups?
「イヤ・・オレ一人で木ノ葉の全員を殺りたいからな ”鷹”の前ではそう言っただけだ」
I just said that in front of 'hawk', to be honest, I wanna kill everyone in konoha
「それは本当か?あれだけの生き様を見せられてイタチの意志・・・守ろうとしたものを無にして いいと本気で そう思えるのか?」
'are you kidding? you don't care at all for the things itachi desired? You're happy to destroy the thing he wanted to protect?
「アンタは言ったな イタチがどうしてオレを殺せなかったのか イタチにとってオレの命は里よ りも重かった からだと」
'like you said....itachi considered my life to be more important than konoha...so he couldn't kill me
I'm the same...for me itachi's life is more important than the village
「・・・うちはを差別し!両親を兄弟に殺めさせ!そのイタチを追い込み 殺した上層部も!」
uchiha-ist huh? (like racist or sexist) kill your parents! (they order) then they chased him, the murdered higher ups as well.
「そして千手を慕う木ノ葉の連中も! 全てがクソの掃き溜めだ! 全てが復讐の対象だ!」
then, I'll go after the konoha senju bunch, it's a shit heap of garbage, they're all now my target for revenge
「オレを感情的に動くガキだとバカにするならそれでもいい イタチの意志を受け入れるなどキレ イ事だ」
if you wanna call me a kid who just acts on his emotions the go ahead, accepting itachi's will is ...???
「憎しみを知らぬ者どもの戯言だ もしオレの生き様を否定するような奴らがいるならそいつらの 大切な人間を 片っ端から殺してやる!」
it's the bullshit of those who don't understand hate. if someone disagrees with my way of doing things then I'll kill someone close to them.
if I do that they'll be able to understand...my hatred
when somone knows love, they risk knowing the pain of hatred.
more from the spoiler guy:
After reading the book, Naruto starts to cry
Raikage hears about his brother being kidnapped
more from the spoiler guy:
as promised, the 8 tails
Good job! I knew you could do it...where are you going?
「まずは傷を癒す それから・・・ 木 ノ 葉 だ 」
first, heal my wounds, then ....ko no ha